Xinjiang Zhongtai Textile Co., Ltd.

(including Zhongtai Textile and Alaer Zhongtai)

Audit Required

1. Completion of CanopyStyle Third Party Verification Audits

1.1 Undertaking Annual Audits

1.2 Audits Public and Results Acted On

1.3 Audit Risk Results

2. Contribution to Conservation Legacies

2.1 Public support web/panels

2.2 International conservation

2.3 Influences Decision Makers

2.4 Legislated Protection

2.5 Extra Respon­sibilities

3. Innovation via New Alternative Fibers

3.1 Partnerships

3.2 R&D Investments

3.3 Scaling to Commercial Products

3.4 Targets & Timelines

3.5 10% of pulp is NG

3.6 Contributing to Collective Goal

3.7 Aggressively Increasing Commercial Scale

4. Adoption of Robust Forest Sourcing Policy

4.1 Policy Adoption

4.2 Policy Meets All CanopyStyle Criteria

5. Traceability, Transparency, and Sustainable Sourcing

5.1 Track & Trace System In-Place

5.2 Public Sharing of Supplier List

5.3 Conducts Due Diligence

6. Leaders in Supply Chain Shifts

6.1 Proactive outreach/ Inspires Leadership

6.2 FSC Preference

6.3 Forest Mapper Support

6.4 Using the Dissolving Pulp Mill Classification

7. Associated with High Risk of Sourcing from Ancient & Endangered Forests and other Controversial Sources

7.1 Risk is Known


Buttons 3

Sustainable Chemical Management

PARTICIPATION IN ZDHC: The company is an active participant in ZDHC, where all of their viscose and modal facilities have joined the ZDHC Supplier Platform and have access to the MMCF Module.


CHEMICAL RECOVERY: All of the company’s MMCF viscose and modal facilities have reached at least the Progressive level in their chemical recovery parameters and limit value, according to Chapter 1: ZDHC MMCF Responsible Fibre Production Guidelines V2.2 (Evaluation will start in 2024)


WASTEWATER: All of the company’s MMCF viscose and modal facilities have reached at least the Progressive level in their wastewater discharge parameters and limit values, according to Chapter 2: ZDHC MMCF Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 (Evaluation will start in 2024)


AIR EMISSIONS: All of the company’s viscose and modal facilities have reached at least the Progressive level in their hazardous chemicals’ air emissions parameters and limit values, according to Chapter 3: ZDHC MMCF Air Emissions Guidelines V2.2 (Evaluation will start in 2024)



0 Points

Risk of sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests

Audit Required

Zhongtai Textile Company developed and adopted a Wood and Pulp Sourcing Policy commitment in the fall of 2019.

However, the company has not initiated its first independent CanopyStyle Audit yet.

Until the company successfully completes the CanopyStyle Audit, and its results are made publicly available, Zhongtai may have risk of sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests and other controversial areas.

The inclusion of red in a producer’s shirt rating – be it partially red or completely red – indicates risk of sourcing from high-carbon and biodiverse forests.

Key Improvements Required

  • Complete a CanopyStyle Audit.
  • Use ForestMapper and complementary guidance documents such as the Dissolving Pulp Mill Classification to avoid sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests.
  • Following auditing, Zhongtai can then address any sourcing issues that are identified and progress on remaining sustainability steps, such as supporting conservation solutions and driving the use of new alternative fibres.

Areas where the company is showing leadership

The company reached out to engage in discussions with Canopy and has attended a CanopyStyle Audit training.

In 2022, Zhongtai initiated dialogue with auditors with the goal of conducting its first CanopyStyle Audit. There has been no direct engagement with Canopy in 2023.

Number of man-made cellulosic fibre and dissolving pulp mills + location and production volumes

Xinjiang Zhongtai Textile Co., Ltd. Has a total production capacity of 740,000 tonnes of viscose staple fibre and owns two mills located near Wulumuqi, Xinjiang Region, China, which produce viscose staple fibre.